Dr. René Kusch
Managing Partner
“Relevance results from goal orientation, effectiveness, and fun.”
Associate Consultant
“With the help of diagnostics, everyday work can be made easier in all its facets.”
Industrial and organizational psychologist, Dr. Anne-Grit Albrecht, loves a change of perspective. She expresses what we understand by the "science and art of psychological diagnostics" in an approachable, humorous, yet constructive and clear manner. She always goes the extra mile for her counterparts and shows impressive perseverance in finding common solutions.
“Relevance results from goal orientation, effectiveness, and fun.”
“We free up our clients for the really important decisions.”
“Encouraging people in organizations to be the best versions of themselves using the power of analysis.”
“Psychological diagnostics as a foundation for personnel selection and development paves the way for sustainable growth and success within the team.”
“We help our customers understand and build on their individuality. Because people make the difference.”
“We are not thinking beings who feel, but feeling beings who think.”
“The key to success is experience and the ability to apply it with precision.”
“We make aptitude diagnostics experienceable, applicable, and impress our customers and partners with highest quality and reliability.”
“Uniting teams and developing personalities are our passion.”
“Understanding and nurturing the different personalities in a team is the key to successful leadership.”
“We transform ambitious goals into measurable success and guide companies to success through pioneering strategies.”
“In matters of leadership, there is hardly anything more relevant than a profound understanding of one's own personality.”
“We combine scientific insights with practical application to identify individual strengths and promote outstanding collaboration.”
“Excellent collaboration starts with solid team building – the foundation for success.”
“Sharing information about Hogan Assessments and their application advances our day-to-day work.”
“Success and positive development require critical insight and knowledge.”
“Scientific diagnostics is the fastest and at the same time most sustainable lever for business success.”
“Making the most of individuality with the help of science — our customers can rely on that.”
“It’s all about making the theory practically applicable. That’s how companies get the optimum added value.”
“Solid tools from personality psychology that show great effectiveness in our costumers' daily practice fascinate me.”
“When leaders understand how they are perceived and what drives others, they can manage themselves and their teams more effectively.”
“Listening, understanding and thinking ahead: that’s how companies and customers get where they want to go.”