We translate Hogan Assessment results to meet your business needs.

Competency mapping
Competency mapping provides a solid foundation for the overall success of the organization. It allows for the successful implementation of personality diagnostics into your business reality and thus promotes high quality and objective HR management.
Benefits of competency mapping
Bring your company's vision to life by mapping competencies and values.
Your individual competency model is described with Hogan dimensions and your core values are made tangible.
Competency mapping can help align talent management with your corporate identity.
Procedure of competency mapping by RELEVANT
1. RELEVANT looks at your competency or skill model and makes an initial proposal on how to map your model with a selection of Hogan dimensions.
2. RELEVANT presents the initial results in a video call. Your individual aspects are considered and relevant information going beyond the existing competency model is gathered.
3. RELEVANT integrates the individual observations and provides you with Hogan competency mapping.
4. You will receive an outlook on how to best integrate Hogan competency mapping into existing processes and your work with Hogan Assessments.
Subsequently, RELEVANT will support you in using Hogan competency mapping to continuously increase the success of your company.